Cloud is a powerful tool, but sometimes it hard to maintain data security on the cloud. Thats because its also a powerful target.
Cloud security is an important concern, and its not just limited to large companies. Small businesses can also be targeted by hackers, who often go after small targets in hopes that they wont have the resources needed to fight back against them. Here are 5 tips on how you can keep your data safe on the cloud:
Secure Your Firewall
You can secure your firewall by blocking ports and services, implementing rules, monitoring traffic, and blocking suspicious requests.
One way to protect against attacks is to block access to the cloud servers from external networks. This means you need to block all incoming traffic on TCP port 22 (SSH) and TCP port 443 (HTTPS). You also need to block outgoing traffic on these ports. However, if you need to use them for legitimate reasons, then there are ways around this limitation.

For example, you can use a VPN connection which allows you to securely connect to the internet through an encrypted tunnel without exposing your network or systems directly to the internet. You can also set up SSH tunnels which are like virtual private networks (VPNs) but dedicated just for SSH connections from your local machine into the cloud server.
Another option is a web application firewall (WAF) which sits between users web browsers and the server that hosts web applications. It inspects traffic between browsers and servers for a malicious activity like SQL injection attempts or cross-site scripting attacks (XSS).
Understand the Power of Encryption
If you want to protect your most sensitive data and ensure that its not compromised in the event of a breach, encryption is a no-brainer. Encryption transforms data into a ciphertext that only authorized users can readand this includes hackers trying to steal sensitive information from the cloud.
Encrypt at rest and in transit. There are two main types of encryptions: at rest and in transit. When you encrypt something at rest, it means that only the person with physical access to the server can read or access it; if someone tries to break into an encrypted file on your server through malware or another method, theyll only see gibberish.
If you encrypt something during transmission over the internet (in transit), it means nobody will be able to see whats being sent between servers because all theyll see is random characters instead of meaningful text. Even if their sniffer software manages somehow get past this barrier, they still wont be able to decipher what has been transmitted. This is because those gibberish characters will keep changing as each packet leaves its server end route for another one somewhere else out there on the cloud.
Keep a Backup Plan
One of the most important things you can do to increase data security on the cloud is to have a backup plan in place. A backup plan should include regular testing, and it should include backups for all of your backups. That sounds like a lot, but if you follow these steps, you might find that its not too overwhelming:
- Back up everything important. This means documents, spreadsheets, and emails, as well as photos and videos. Youll need to decide what is most critical for protection and what can be left behind or restored if needed. If there is anything that absolutely must be saved at all costs (like your academic record), keep multiple copies on different types of media so that if one copy gets corrupted or lost in some way, another copy will survive.
- Test the backups regularlyespecially before making major changes like upgrading software versions or switching cloud service providers!
Use Data Fabric if Youre Connecting Across Multiple Clouds
If youre looking for a way to connect your data across multiple clouds and platforms, consider data fabric. Data fabric is a way of connecting data across multiple clouds that makes it possible to move data between them. Its also possible to connect the cloud services provided by third-party providers, thus allowing you to move data between two different providers services.
This type of cross-cloud movement can be beneficial for companies that have an existing infrastructure on one platform but need access to another providers features or applications.
For example, if your company uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) but wants access to Microsoft Azures analytics capabilities without having to leave AWS behind completelyor vice versayou might want this kind of connectivity available in order for it not only connect but also transfer any relevant information between these platforms without any difficulty whatsoever.
Gather Visibility into Your Cloud Environment
The first step in securing your cloud environment is to gain visibility into whats happening inside and outside your organizations cloud footprint. This includes understanding who has access to your data, where that data resides, and how its being accessed.
In addition, knowing which apps and services have been deployed across multiple clouds will help you assess risk and make informed decisions about where to invest in additional security measures.
Get Started Boosting Your Data Security on the Cloud Today!
Data security is an important issue, and organizations are looking for ways to ensure the safety of their data. The cloud can provide organizations with a secure environment in which to store their information, but its important that IT managers know how to use it properly.
By following these five tipsto secure your firewall, understand encryptions power, keep your backups up-to-date/active at all times, use data fabric and gather visibility into your cloud environmentyou can help protect your organization from cyberattacks while also ensuring that your employees have access to the information they need when they need it most.